
June, 2024 Setting up simple simulation studies in R
December, 2020 Derivative Gaussian Processes in Stan
December, 2020 Conditioning on Gaussian Process Derivative Observations
August, 2020 How Many Words Do You Need to Know to Watch Friends?
July, 2020 Derivatives of a Gaussian Process
February, 2020 Firearm Background Check Timeseries Modeling
August, 2019 Presidential Primary Polling Analysis in Stan
August, 2019 Autoregressive Processes are Gaussian Processes
July, 2019 Using R formulas to pass data to Stan
April, 2019 Smartphone interface for reporting research results to study participants
February, 2018 What Poisons Are in Your Body? - Nick Kristof
February, 2018 They’re all good dogs
October, 2017 Fastest way to see 17 Boston breweries (and one cider house)
July, 2017 Bananagrams Probabilities
November, 2016 Build a Crystal Radio
April, 2014 Raytracing in Bash